Missionary Prayer Sheet for May 2019

Our Retired Missionaries

Virgil and Dolores Bunjer • Retired missionaries from Germany, living in Ankeny, IA.

Allen and Marilyn Adler • Native American ministry, Townsend, MT.

Ron and Kathleen Weber • “Retired” in NJ after Church planting for 40 years in Brazil.

Wyzetta Titus • Widow of Gerald Titus faithfully serving the homebound in her area of VA.

Lois Wantoch • Serving in her Church in NE after years on the Amazon.

Dan and Peggy Whitcher (www.danandpeggy.com ) • Retired in Katy, TX from Church Planting and Development Coordinator, Baptist Mid-Missions

Bonnie Abbas • Living with her sister in IA since leaving S.A. due to health reasons.

Missionaries We Support Financially and with Prayer

Darrel and Lori Jingst
• EBI (Spanish Literature Publication) in Sebring, FL
• New contacts for distribution of materials; Darrel is very busy at the office.
• Pray that the equipment will run efficiently – have had some breakdowns.
• Two ministry trips upcoming: May 23 -June 4 and July 19-August 6! They will be here at FBC in Brayton for VBS!

Norman and Susan Smith family ( www.smithlife.net ) ABWE
• Church planters in Japan seeking to build relationships with people
• Prayers for new co-workers are being answered: Tom and Amy McVicker are planning to arrive in January 2020. (See update letter for link to video updates!)
• Last month’s retreat was very encouraging to the Smith family.
• Pray for Chloe as she chooses a college!

Nicole Carr
• Serving with Baptist Mid-Missions in Romania.
• Pray for her travels/furlough reporting.

Mike and Peggy Carr
• Missionary Builders with CBM.
• The new build at Oconomowoc, WI is underway! Pray for the transition of the builders to the new location and the fitting of their ministry into the ministry of the local Church there.

Dennis and Peggy Robinson
• CBM, Missionary Builders Ed and Cheryl Bunt
• CBM Church Planters, Chatsworth, Illinois
• A new family of 4 is attending.
• A gentleman donated his labor to repair the steeple that blew off. Some other projects can be accomplished with remaining funds, and a gift can be sent to the missionaries the Church helps to support!

Missionaries We Support With Prayer

Lucas / Kimberly Warner ( www.facebook.com/WarneresinRomainia )
• Serving in Romania with Baptist Mid-Missions.

The Jonathan Boyd Family
• Missionaries to Colombia with ABWE. (www.BoydHome.com )
• Their address while on furlough through July is: 203 Jewel Dr. – Unit 4, Ames, Iowa 50010
• Pray for Alfredo as he does a sermon series in the Church – How to Evangelize.
• Lucas has hopes of attending Iowa State. Pray his diploma and transcripts meet the deadline.

Henry John Family
• With Baptist Mid-Missions serving in their native India
• Molly needs a kidney transplant.
• Pray for the seminary modules being conducted this month! Henry asks us to pray 5 minutes a day for India.
George and Dottie Hatfield (http://ghatfield.ebm.org)
• Campus Ministries at ISU in Ames
• With graduation over, there is some change of pace, but many Bible studies continue, and summer ministries swing into full gear.

Anna Beth Wivell (www.annabethwiv.com )
• Continue to pray for the every-day difficulties in the life of a translator in Chad.
• The Dagba New Testament was released from customs and has been dedicated. Pray the people who read it will have their lives changed by the living Word of God.

Rhonda Green RN
• Micronesian Medical Missions, Baptist Mid-Missions, Guam
• Ori’s sister and family need the Lord. Pray that now, even as he has gone to be with his Savior, that they may accept the Truth and decide to follow the Lord.
• Continue to pray for the bus ministry.

The Mapes
• With Baptist Mid-Missions – Ghana.
• Pray for the students who are going with the Gospel to the villages nearby. This is a thrill to the missionaries!
• Pray for funds and safety regarding the many projects needing attention on the campus.

Pat and Wendy Campbell
• Baptist Mid-Missions, Missionaries to Peru
• Construction on the men’s dorm has continued.
• 14 students and staff rode to Ollantaytambo where they met 16 other students. They joined forces and drove for an outreach to share the Gospel!
• Wendy is helping in two AWANA (OANSA) groups. Seminary students and Church leaders are leaders in the ministry to reach the Peruvian children. Wesley and Sonia Chatla
• International Gospel Missions – Church planting in India • Pray for the mission school. (40% of India’s population is under 25!).
• The school is hanging on, but barely. $650 more per month is needed if it is to keep up and running. Two hundred students depend on it for a quality education. Go to www.jfmissionschool.info .

Mark and Leslie Boyd and Family
• Church planting missionaries to Germany
• Pray that Leslie will soon be totally recovered. She was able to go on an extended hike with the family 😊.
• The family got to attend a conference recently and were greatly encouraged.

Luke and Bethany Snell and boys
• Baptist Mid-Missions to Germany.
• They are now working with their new ministry in Oberpfraundorf.
• Pray for the Faith Chorale – soon due in Germany. This gives outreach opportunities!
• Bethany has finished language class. She has made friends with a Chinese girl. Pray for this friendship to continue and that the friend receives Jesus as her Savior.

Aaron Brudtkuhl with Baptist Mid-Missions going to Germany
• Support has reached 100% in 6 months.
• Housing is proving to be difficult. He may have to rent a room in a monastery. (There is a shortage of monks.)
• His father’s health is continuing to fall in marked decline.

James / Christen Taylor – Brazil (www.taylors4brazil.blogspot.com )
• Some Church discipline is being undertaken in Florianopolis; some in the Church are not comprehending the importance of dealing with unrepentant sin.
• Pray for the Brazilian pastor. Praise God that a new family is interested in joining the Church.

John and Bev Leonard (www.prayforjohnblog.wordpress.com)
• Baptist Mid-Missions, in Brazil David and Patti West
• Gospel Mission of S.A.
• They are feeling much more at home in Argentina. They ask us to drop a line to them: Calle Ituzaingo 207, 6620 Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America.

Mark and Jennifer Tylavsky
• Church Planters with CBM in MD near Washington, D.C.
• Two supporting Churches increased their amount of support for the Tylavsky family. Pray that soon other supporters will come on board and that Mark will be able to quit one of his part-time jobs.
• Pray that 13 more people become part of the core group so that Sunday morning services can be started.

Joy Akkermann
• Baptist Mid-Missions transitioning to the jungles of Peru
• Joy heads back to Peru after an unexpected delay to get to see a specialist. Her visa lapsed, so she must wait for that to come through. (We have not heard whether she is still in the States!)

The Campbell Family (www.campbellfamily.com)
• Church planting in Murdo, SD Mark, Anahi, and Sophia Self
• Church planters/Serving in Argentina.
• They are expecting a baby in December!
• Pray for Sergio. His daughter has been hospitalized still another month awaiting a ventilator. Pray that his faith stays strong and that his wife comes to accept the Lord through their struggles as a family.
• Soccer and men’s cookout activities are making for wonderful opportunities to reach men for Christ.
• The family hopes to come for a 3 month summer furlough. Pray that travel will not be too difficult for Anahi. Rick and Elaine Fessel
• Assisting the German Missionaries in Eichstatt, Germany (BMM)
• This month and next a book fair at the market square gives opportunity to sow seed and meet new folks. Ben and Katie Wooster
• CBM Builders.

The Hemsworth Family www.hemsworths2ma.com
• Very close to completion of deputation to serve at Missionary Acres with Baptist Mid-Missions. When the kitchen is done in their home there, they hope to be moving to MO! The Barry Farlow family
• Serving faithfully in Brazil teaching, and ministering in the local Church.
• Three new students are attending seminary!
• Plans are underway to build a pastoral house on church property. Pray that this enables the Church to afford a full-time salary for their pastor.
• Pray for Jose who has been helping finish a church building for and Indian tribe up the Amazon.
• Pray for Barry as he works on a Ph.D. research proposal. The goal is to develop the master’s program in the current seminary to be such that students will not be turning to non-Baptist schools for their studies there in Brazil.


Pray for FBBC and Seminary students now done with another academic year. The ministry teams are traveling. Pray for Pastor Capon, State GARBC Rep., Shepherd’s College; Alpha Women’s Center; our KJAN Radio Broadcast and our website: www.fbcbrayton.org ; Baptist Children’s Home Ministries; and Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh Pray for Israel/the Jews. Pray that we will reach those who need the Lord in our own neighborhoods. Pray for Sunday School, children’s church, IRBC Camp ministries for the summer.. Pray for VBS plans. Pray for, and attend Women’s Bible Study and WMF meetings

Categories Missions Prayer Sheets | Tags: | Posted on May 18, 2019

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